Our agenda while shooting food is what WE WANT OUR VIEWER TO BE HUNGRY! Whatever the food is, it must look delicious and mouth watering and at the same time If the viewer wants to eat what is seen in your shot, then it is sure that we had done our job perfectly. The challenging part is to capture the range of shapes, sizes, colors, and textures of a food. Each type of food approaches differently, but whatever we do in post production and retouching are the very similar process that is given to all. There is a saying that preparing a food or dish is challenging to make everyone hungry and pleased with the food, but let us tell us about preparing a dish for the shooting is much difficult concurrently different, as each single piece of art requires a unique artistry. It is our goal to create extraordinary but believable images from a raw material to great quality finished results for our respected clients’ expectations. If your wish to get super click then let’s have a look on our Food Photograph Gallery.
“I love food photography because I generally love food! A plate of biriyani with egg is magic! I attempt to show the simplicity and freshness of foods. My goals are to create ambiances while telling stories.
“I work exclusively with artificial light to recreate natural light. This allows me to set up a sunny morning on a rainy day. The best part about my job is that once all of the shots have been taken, we sit down to eat everything that was photographed.”
“Food photography, for me, is all about my personal relationship with food and the emotional triggers it has for me. All I wish to do is to trigger my own appetite, and that, unfortunately, has an effect on my waistline as well.“A successful food photograph triggers memories, associations to thoughts and travels in the mind, a great bi-product is if it makes people hungry.”Food is a naturally beautiful subject to shoot, and I like best to shoot the ingredients and cooking processes – with an aim to visually reveal the taste and terroir
Composition & Details
Packaging is an important section in food photography. Here we only give importance on realistic pictures of food. We try to show you whatever the subject is, must look exactly same in the packaging, so customers can recognise or choose best what is to buy.
This type of photography can be used in menus, brochures, and billboards. To make it beautiful and catchy, every prop is used with more creativity.
One of the favourite kinds of photography is Food Photography, is loved by Photographers. Editorial food Photography is all about cooking related products and food itself. This type of photography procures a photographer complete freedom.
Finished shots not only make happy the eyes but so can be mouth watering that represents the best representation of recipes. We provide pictures for magazines, articles, recipe book or websites.
Our shots mainly used for editorial purposes, for brochure set up, restaurant menus and in advertising too. We prefer the dishes prepared by Chefs without using Food Stylist.
In these days, food-related programmes are popular in t.v channels, so we use DSLRs with all cine-lenses, to record or shoot HD videos for foods.
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Food Styling
